Pendo Masha Karisa
Girl, 9 years old

Pendo and her two siblings live with their grandmother in Moi Village. Their father died of a heart attack and their mother lives elsewhere and is not allowed to be part of their lives. Pendo is in class 3 at Kibokoni Primary School. The grandmother is unable to provide enough for the family. The family is very thankful to now have a sponsor. Pendo is sponsored by Barbara Rhodes.

Payment Options:

  • 1 Month $30.00
  • 3 Months $90.00
  • 4 Months $120.00
  • 6 Months $180.00
  • 12 Months $360.00

Become a Monthly Sponsor

Support with Gifts:

  • Mosquito Net $3.00
  • Duck $6.00
  • School Uniform $15.00
  • Female Goat $25.00
  • Bicycle $100.00

Purchase Supporting Gifts